44 All Posters

1972 Emprunt Crédit Hôtelier Commercial Industriel Product Link
France, 1972
30 x 23 in (76 x 58 cm)

Emprunt National 1920 Crédit Algérien Poster Product Link
France, 1920
47 x 31 in (119 x 79 cm)

Groupement de l'Industrie Sidérurgique Original Art Product Link
France, 1960
47 x 62 in (119 x 157 cm)

Buy a Government Bond of the Second Liberty Loan Product Link
USA, C. 1916
40 x 27 in (102 x 69 cm)

Over the top for you - Buy U.S. Gov't Bonds Third Liberty Loan Product Link
USA, C. 1919
20 x 30 in (51 x 76 cm)

"Shall we be more tender with our dollars than with the lives of our sons?" - Buy a United States Goverment Bond of the 2nd Liberty Loan of 1917 Product Link
USA, 1917
19 x 29 in (48 x 74 cm)

We Bought Extra War Bonds 4th War Loan. Let's Get This Shield Up! Product Link
USA, C. 1944
11 x 22 in (28 x 56 cm)

They also serve, who buy War Bonds. 7th War Loan. Product Link
USA, C. 1944
9 x 21 in (23 x 53 cm)

Emprunt National 1918 -- Souscrivez pour la Victoire qui Vient! Product Link
France, 1918
32 x 44 in (80 x 112 cm)

Emprunt National 6% -- Souscrivez a la Banque Privee Product Link
32 x 48 in (80 x 121 cm)

Vous qui avez un foyer aidez ceux dont la maison est detruite a relever leurs ruines -- et souscrivez a l'emprunt national. 6% a la Societe Francaise de Banque. Product Link
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)

Societe Marseillaise de credit -- Souscrivez a l'emprunt francais Product Link
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)

Pour la Patrie -- Souscrivez A l'Emprunt credit Foncier d'Algerie et de Tunisie Product Link
31 x 47 in (79 x 119 cm)

Emprunt National -- Souscrivez a la Banque Transatlantique Product Link
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)

Emprunt pour la Reconstruction des Eglises Devastees 6% Product Link
30 x 45 in (76 x 114 cm)

Credit Commercial De France -- Souscrivez Pour La Victoire Et Pour Le Triomphe de la Liberté Product Link
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)

Emprunt Français On Souscrit a la Societe Centrale Des Banques de Province Product Link
31 x 47 in (79 x 119 cm)

Think - Have YOU Bought Your Limit? 4tht Liberty Loan Product Link
United States-c.1918
58 x 6 in (147 x 15 cm)

Buy United States Government war Saving Stamps Product Link
France - c. 1917